Social Videos
for Social Change

Some people measure the success of a video in likes or views. And we have plenty that have hit the magic million mark or gone viral. But we’re more interested in an emotional reaction. Does it make your heart skip a beat? Give you goosebumps? Create a lump in your throat? Blow your mind? 

We know when you feel, you’re more likely to take action. We don’t stop until we have found the beating heart of the story that inspires change. Be that sign a petition, join a movement, donate to a cause or to double check a can of tuna before you buy it. Change starts with the heart, the head will follow.

We live, work and play on Dharawal and Gadigal Country. We pay our respects to
elders past, present and emerging. Always was and always will be Aboriginal land.

Don't take our word for it

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