Rachael and Strike

Justice and Equity Centre

Rachael and Strike

Justice and Equity Centre


An emotional, impactful video to celebrate PIAC’s impact and inspire people to support their work at the Social Justice Dinner… and beyond.


A heartwarming, informative mini-doco told through the eyes of Rachel, and her Assistance Dog, Strike, and the people driving policy reform at JEC (formerly PIAC).


The client were “thrilled”, and the Social Justice Dinner was a huge success – surpassing their fundraising target of $150,000. 

As the client said: “Wow, we knew it would be good but we are really thrilled…everyone is really happy. The video was a total hit. The night was a big success – we hit our fundraising target ($150,000). It was the perfect mix of emotive yet informative for our crowd. Thanks again to you and the team for the great work.”

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